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Year of Experience

Almalika Herbs For Export

We are leading Spices, Herbs and Seeds exporter and producer from Egypt since a long time, offer diverse kinds of products with high Quality and competitive prices, has professional and efficient production stuff in our factory. Almalika Herbs Focuses on Food Safety concerning to the global standards.

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Quality Control

The cornerstone of Almalika Herbs business is our Faiyum based manufacturing expertise. We continue to enjoy substantial growth and we routinely expand our manufacturing capacity.

Our Clients

We have a customer base around the world from Europe, Arab and Gulf countries, and other countries of the world.




Years of Experience


Dedicated Staff


Our Market

Why Choosing Us ?

Why Companies Choosing Us!

It is essential to work with a company that understands your needs. We draw on years of experience in the export field to help our clients achieve their business goals.
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100% Satisfaction

Dedicated Team

Modern Equipment

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Our Philosophy

The objective of our business is to provide a high quality product and reliable service for our customers. We hope you will enjoy visiting our web site and using our products as much as we enjoyed providing them for you.

All our company actions are respecting nature. Commitment to nature engages us in safe guarding the environment by taking care of resources and properly handing plantation.

Our customer is the most important person for our company weather who is visiting, writing, or telephone.